Thursday 13 December 2018

New Year's Traditions Around the World

Form 5
 Watch the video and answer the questions:
What traditions do you like?
What other traditions do you know?

Different traditions of various countries across the world as they celebrate the upcoming year

Friday 23 November 2018

Goals for the Future

Form 10
These questions can help you 
to write an assay about your education

What comes to your mind when you hear the word ‘university’?
What is the difference between college, school and university?
What are the good and bad things about universities?
Are all of the universities in your country very good?

Monday 19 November 2018

Emblems of Britain

Form 6

England - the Rose
The national flower of England is the rose. 
The flower has been adopted as England’s emblem since the time of the Wars of the Roses – civil wars (1455–1485) between the royal house of Lancaster (whose emblem was a red rose) and the royal house of York (whose emblem was a white rose).

Sunday 14 October 2018

Monday 8 October 2018

School Campus

Form 8
Comment on the Video
What places and facilities do they have on campus?
What does our school offer?

Tuesday 22 May 2018

Unusual Schools in the World

Form 9
Watch the video.
Which of these schools would you like to attend? Why?

Sunday 20 May 2018

Hobbies of Successful People

Form 6
Watch the video.
 Be ready to speak about unusual hobbies of celebrities.

Monday 9 April 2018

Wednesday 21 February 2018

Wednesday 10 January 2018